Thursday, June 21, 2007

Concentration of Power

There has been a lot said about concentration of power over the years, in fact Charles R. Hobbs said it best. His definition of concentration of power is “the ability to focus upon and accomplish your most vital priorities.” If you can learn to harness your concentration of power and have laser focus on what you are doing you will accomplish more, and get things done that matter most. This can be applied to any part of your life not just in business.

I hire a tennis coach to help me do just that on the court. I’ve played tennis on and off for over 25 years, it’s a great game. However, because I never play on a consistent basis there are parts of my game that suffer, so I got some help from an expert. After a couple coaching sessions my game improved but I sill was hitting it into the net about 30% of the time. That’s when he gave me a tip that paid off! He said to “concentrate” on hitting the ball over the net landing it past the service line, (this is mid court) so I did. Immediately I noticed a difference and hit the ball 46 times in a row over the net!

Concentration of power demands laser focus. Even though I was concentrating on hitting the ball over the net it was “focusing” on hitting the ball passed the service line that made the difference! Try it.

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